Be who you are!

5 min readJul 17, 2020


I believe it’s so typical to think or dream ourselves to be someone else.
Though such phenomenon happens when someone is comparatively feeling anxious or little tired in their life at some moment. That’s it.. just only for few moments. And this is all natural.
Put a smile now.. this article is all about knowing and respecting ourselves and a bit exposing this stupid feeling of ours.

Am not a psychologist or therapist. Am just a person who wonders the living mind; how it perceives, visualize, analyze, think, and processes the world.

Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash

It was this day I realized, how people have different perception and an visual image for me. Even your parents. Your mom have the most exquisite visual perception for you while your dad have entirely different.
If you go further your siblings will have another.. and may be a little funnier or prouder. The elaboration now..

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Well the article is all about this. Don’t believe me! just try with your close ones.

It was this Friday. After my office was over, I was planning to read my favorite book! And then I saw my best friend’s text. It was 2 AM. We started with a smile and making fun of each other, and then it was “our college time” which took the next part of our discussion. How stupid, crazy and dumb we’ve been our whole college life. How over-confidently we made our decisions.

But today almost after 5 years, things are different now. We often think of situations where We simply wish if we could go back.. back to our past and stop ourselves from making that decision we made. “I wish I never let you go, I wish we never had that fight. I wish I should have told you how I felt when you’ve been like that. I wish I was there for you when you needed me.. wish I stopped you doing things.. like a person who cares for you”.

But wait, If things didn’t happen the way it had, then How on earth we would be the way we are now.

Photo by Andreas Haslinger on Unsplash

Next this is where things started getting into our today’s context.
“The Big Bang Theory”

She asked, “have you seen “The Big Bang Theory?” Hmm.. No.! she sent me a Screenshot (a character portraying Rajesh Koothrappali on the sitcom The Big Bang Theory) and asked “ don’t you think this guy looks like you?”.NO!“Like a little bit.. hmm?”LOL NO!“it feels so”. You know I finished watching the series last year.. I always felt he looked like you. Haha I don’t think so.. but he looks better than me.. LOL.

That was funny.. Because recently I was at office, when My colleague told me.. “Sir, you look like ‘Indian Film Director- Anurag Kashyap’ (person on right).

“In fact when I saw this first time, I was like ‘jeeeeeet’..
you know I was watching a scene from “Big Bang Theory” thought to ask you about this.. haha."
she added “you know it's so weird.. that, Whenever I gave anyone a reference about their look they smiled and always somewhat denied.. and I responded the same when they gave me any reference about mine..
Wait I'll show you one more example..."

This time she sent me an Image of an actress from movie “Shubh Mangal Jyada Savdhan”.. and told me that one of her colleague thinks she looks like you.

I said, what.. 😍 Do you think you look like her..??  "No!!" 🤣 🤣Nor do I.. ohh wait let me show you.. How I think you look like.. "ok you show me.. lets see at what extent she is similar to me.. :)"

I shared her an image of an Instagram Model "Gitanjali Singh" (girl on left).

" 😂 😂 😂 no.. this too.. I don't feel we look similar.. hehe".haha.. it's interesting.. Thanks yaar.. 
isn't it interesting.. ?? How people see you..
"what??"it's totally different person to person. "haha.. I was also thinking about the
there is a person, but everyone has their own different description..
I've always been thinking this must be a problem just within me".
hhaha.. like at moments someone can totally hate me.. and think me as stupid.. and at other.. totally a cool guy.. And this totally happened many times.
When we understand such psychological behavior.. Wooaahh! this is totally crazy..
"Niceeeee am impressed" :) :) you just amazingly converted my silly topic to an amazing conclusion.."

It was that day I understood...
Why it is so important to be who I am..
Because it is so obvious.. that people who likes us or appreciates us.. people who we actually need in our life are already with us..
we just need to open our heart to see them..
And people we chase may often turn out just to be a “desert-mirage”.. a “shadow we can never touch”.

Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Recently I was reading the book “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: JOHN GRAY” which typically describes the importance of understanding and accepting the fact that Men and Woman are different.
And to survive together, we need to respect and accept our differences.
Now I can totally relate to this.. but in a different order..
Like why every guy in your class is not your friend, Why we have different groups in our college…
someone has crush on you.. and someone don’t..!

The list of people we have.. why are they in our life..
It’s simple.. we just have accepted them the way they are.. may be majorly..




Written by JeEt

A tech enthusiast, working on Cloud and Devops past 3 years now. Love Cycling, Psychology..Botany and God knows what.

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